Shah Rukh Khan Quotes

Shah Rukh Khan Quote



"I have never been bothered about how I am. I have always believed that my stardom needs to be
worn like a tee-shirt, not a tuxedo!"

"I never thought girls would like me. I used to be scared that they would reject me. I am not a poster
boy and good looking!"

"For me, love is dignifying a woman. She needs to be dignified by her man. That is romance for me."

"Failure is an amazing teacher...if you don’t will never learn...and if you don’t learn...
you will never grow."

"I trust two people, myself and the other is not you, it's God."

"If you like me, raise your hand. If you don't, raise your standards."
"I don't write cheques anymore because I end up signing them 'With Love, Shah Rukh'."

"I'm like a Rolls Royce which can run without an engine, just on reputation."

"I refuse to be petty & small & move to a place where all external ideas & measures about me stop
to matter."

"The Iftaar embrace was gracious, it was loving, and decent and extremely courteous. Beyond that,
I’ve never talked about it."

"Let us not talk about my fights. Ask me about my love, na."

"I’m a dangerous boyfriend to have!"

"I don't disallow my children to watch any film. They watch everything, but that does not mean that all
parents should do that."

"I work in films and I do things in films that might not be right for children to watch, so it is my duty to
make sure my children watch all films. I have brought them up in a way where I have never made them
shut their eyes to anything..."

"I love living the life of a superstar!"

"I think that an actor's life in India is best described by the game 'Hop Skip and Jump'. Hop on a film...
skip normal life and jump to the next."

"You don't have to work out. The film making itself is a work-out."

"I had no method to become a movie star, I just did whatever made me happy."

"On my own...sometimes it+s just a blessing to see the sun rise on the beach. Just you and the Sun,
nothing in between...not even the Rays."

"I am scared of losing. I am scared of coming second. I am scared of not making it big. So, I have such
a fear of failure that I work harder when even I don't need to. I work longer when I don't have to."

"Failures also gets you to find who your real friends are. The true strength of your relationship gets tested
in the phase of strong adversity. I lost lots of friends post 'Ra.One', apart from losing a lot of audience
too. And after 'Chennai Express', I haven't made any new friends but I have a whole new set of enemies

"When I look at a project, I feel I don't know anything and I begin the film as a newcomer. I take it as
my last project and give all my efforts to make it big so that I don't repent later."

"Its funny isn't it, how little can be enough when u have nothing? & when u have everything, sometimes
nothing is enough!"
"I am a good man to love. I am very decent, loving, educated and caring. I would tell my daughter,
that if she was to find a boyfriend, apart from my anger sometimes, she must find a boyfriend like me."
"Not many people get to see this kind of love, adulation and importance. I never celebrated birthdays
and wasn't used to celebrating birthdays when I was younger, I would just meet up with four to five
friends but now I have people calling upon me from morning to evening on my birthday."

"We are always running after big things. And now after working for 22-23 years, it is the small things that
I miss. So it is a new beginning for me where I want to find happiness in small things. My children are
getting busy with their lives. I want to spend little more time with them." 

"I don't follow any particular tradition on my birthday. Like every other day I start my day with black

"From this birthday onwards at least till two years I want to do work for upliftment of people who don't
have life as good as me. I want to do something good in small little bits and pieces. I have told people
in my team let's go and help needy people in a bigger way."

"I would like to be reborn as an actor again and again. Acting is a noble profession and when I entered
this industry, people asked me: Do you want to be a hero? I said I want to play character roles and there
is a character in all my roles. I think acting is a noble expression of feeling."

"I am not used to celebrate birthday. Everything my fans it beating drums, photos etc. I wake up
with the noise they make on my birthday. I love gifts. I look forward to opening gifts. 'Chota mota sa
bangla, gaadi' (a small bungalow or car), collector's car...'kuchh bhi de dijiye' (anything you give)."
"I am very shy. If I am flying British Airways and the airhostess asks me two questions, and I don’t
understand her accent – I will go hungry for the entire flight."

"I never yell at kids. I just hug them hard and threaten them not to do something again."

"I would never be aggressive with a woman or a little child. I would rather die before I raise hand on a
little kid or a lady."

"I am where I never thought I would be. I got much more than what I had expected. I am strong believer
in God, hard work and honesty."

"Whenever I start feeling too arrogant about myself, I always take a trip to the U.S. The immigration
guys kick the star out of my stardom."

"Even though I am fantastic looking, I am still quite intelligent."

"I could lie and say my wife cooks for me, but she doesn't. My wife has never learnt cooking but she has
great cooks at home."

"Success and failure are both part of life. Both are not permanent."

"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life."

"Respect the girls and women in your home, there is nothing bigger than that. I want every young man
to remember that you will be blessed only if you respect your parents, care for them and look upon girls
in your family and outside with respect..."

"They (his children, Aryan and Suhana) are my best friends. Both of them have a good sense of humour,
like me. And they are both mad, like me. But there are two parts to them. It's like this... when I want to
be foolish, silly and let my hair down, I go to my son. When I have been too foolish, too silly, let my hair
down for too long, and I need to be reprimanded and shown the guiding light, I go to my daughter."

"When I'm really sad and disturbed about something, it's Suhana I'll be sitting with. I have never found
anyone with more clarity of thought or simplicity than my daughter. When I'm my happiest, I celebrate
with Aryan. Let's put it this way: He's the one I party with and she's the one who gets me into the mood
to party."

"I've always maintained one thing, what I am, should not cast a shadow over my children. Negative or
positive. They should have their own lives. But I do feel that my name has cast a shadow on AbRam
without his knowledge. I'll have to wait for him to grow up a little and then... not apologise, but say,
'hey listen... it won't happen again'. I still don't have as much access to him as I'd like to."

"We've known each other since 1984. That makes it what, almost 30 years? It cannot be defined.
Gauri tells me that because of work, I've spent such little time with her that our relationship still seems
fresh. We came to Mumbai right after marriage, for a honeymoon. Initially, we thought we'd give it a try
for a year. It's 22 years now. So much has happened in our lives that we haven't had the time to sit and
discuss, 'what is our relationship about?'. And I think it's a good way to be, that we haven't had the time
to talk about our relationship. We have one child who is taller than me now. And my daughter will be
taller than Gauri in a year or so I think. And now, we have another one... We have a house and we have
a name. I think we've just been sucked up by life and pushed along. So we've never really sat down and
even chatted about our relationship."

"You know, we are just flying with everything that life is taking us through... I have no idea how to be
without this relationship. It's been so long. More than half my life. So it's indescribable. Our lives have
changed course so often. Gauri and I have gone through a lot of happenings and there have been a lot
of peaks. And I think the peaks have been there so often that we've never had the time to sit and know
each other. And it's nice."

"I think fame and I are great bed partners. We seldom fight. We enjoy each other's company.
Sometimes, like a lot of lovers, we feel we are made for each other. I don't know whether that's good.
I don't take it seriously enough to change from within. And we are not jealous of each other. We don't
fight. If fame is ahead at times, it's alright, If I'm ahead, that's fine too. We give each other space and
meet twice a year or maybe during IPL. We both understand the downside of the relationship. And the
best part is that neither of us has ever blamed each other for anything. So it's a good marriage.
I think fame has a good ambassador in me. Hopefully, we will have a lot of children.
Like Chennai Express..."

"Just because I'm self-deprecating about my acting and play it off the cuff does not mean it is not
serious. I hide the seriousness of this relationship from the world. I can't explain to people how I act.
Some feel I don't know how to; some feel, I overdo it; some say it's just hype; some say, I'm a
performer; some say, I'm lucky. Very few people know that my acting skills are deeper than my
dimples (smiles). But like I can't explain my dimples, I can't explain my acting."

"I wear my acting like a T-shirt not a tuxedo. I don't want it to be seen on me in a serious way. I'm a
very easygoing, humble, sweet, jolly good fellow on the sets as a professional; but let me tell you, as
an actor. I'm extremely arrogant. And that arrogance nobody sees. It sounds childish, but I know how
to act. It's as simple as that."

"During the good times, I really miss my parents. They did not get to see my stardom. My father didn't
even know I'll be an actor. My mother thought I was the most beautiful child in the world (hearty laughter)
so she thought I'll be a star, in spite of being told I'm not very photogenic. So, she would have been very
happy. I tried to show her my first serial Circus, but she was in coma. She couldn't watch it."

"I think they (his parents) are two stars and I know the stars. I go and pray to them every night.
I carry them with me, in my bag or in my locket. When I'm really, really sad, I call upon them and
tell them: 'tell God to make this alright'. I hardly pray for myself and when I do pray, I tell my parents
to convey my message to God, you know. Because since they have died, I've become world famous.
So God must be listening to my parents somewhere. You have to lose your parents some day. You have
to lose everything."

"I think my son and daughter are replacements (for his parents). I know I would have gone to my mother
for trouble, and to my father for celebration. And now, I go to Suhana and Aryan, respectively, for the
same. Strangely, they remind me of my parents physically too. And I have this strange, stupid, silly,
retarded belief of being invincible because my parents are up there. I think they take care of me. You
can't physically, emotionally, mentally break me."

"I don't know what to do with them (with his fans). There are days I want to stand on the roof, take my
clothes off, jump on them and say, 'please, eat me, drink me up, do what you wish to'. They scratch me,
pull me, love me. They touch my hair as if it's their own hair. I would love to spend days with them,
meeting them one by one. I could dedicate my life to doing that. I just want to be enveloped, eaten up
and be digested by my fans."
"Don't be negative. It shows on your face."

"If you get bored with the person you married for love, there's something wrong with you - not with that

"I don't sit around complaining about the lack of good roles. I will play Raj 85 times and still make him

"I want to drop dead acting. I want to die acting. The only dream I have is that one day I'm giving a shot
and they say, "pack up, last shot". And that's that."

"I don’t sit down with the scripts. As long as I like the people I’m working with that’s enough for me."

"Whenever I fail as a father or husband... a toy and a diamond always works."

"You never win the silver, you only lose the gold."

"There are only two Khans: Ghenghis Khan and Shahrukh Khan."

"Togetherness, passion, laughter, faith, trust and jealousy are the essential ingredients of love."

"I'm try-sexual. I try anything that's sexual."

"My films do well only because they are good, not because of me."

"Awards that ignore me are losers."

"The audience's preferences for films are in black and white. They either like a film or they don't."

"I'd rather sink trying to be different, than stay afloat like everyone else."

"If I talk to a girl, it's assumed that I'm having a scene with her. If I don't, then it's assumed that I'm gay."

"Sex is not required to sell my film. My name is enough."

"I don't think I would have become an actor if Kajol wasn't a part of my films and life. And I don't think I
would have continued acting if Rani wasn't a part of films either. I think perhaps in seventeen years they
sum up my career as the most beautiful career."

"I believe that when you are in love, your partner is the most beautiful person in the world."

"I have not been greedy for wrong things. But in a different context, I think greed is the mainstay of life.
I believe that you should have a greed for knowledge, for money so that you can have choice, greed for

"Maybe the country doesn't pray for me like they do for Sachin Tendulkar, but I know I'm on a good wicket
as well."

"Home is where Gauri and the children are..."

"I'd like to believe there's a little of Hitler and Napoleon in me. Even if I try, I can't be as selfless as
Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa."

"I don’t sit around complaining about the lack of good roles. I will play Raj 85 times and still make him

"You can love me or hate me but.. you can’t ignore me."

"I am very shy. If I am flying British Airways and the airhostess asks me two questions, and I don’t
understand her accent – I will go hungry for the entire flight."

"I never yell at kids. I just hug them hard and threaten them not to do something again."

"I would never be aggressive with a woman or a little child. I would rather die before I raise hand on a
little kid or a lady."

"I am where I never thought I would be. I got much more than what I had expected. I am strong believer
in God, hard work and honesty."

"Whenever I start feeling too arrogant about myself, I always take a trip to the U.S. The immigration
guys kick the star out of my stardom."

"Even though I am fantastic looking, I am still quite intelligent."

"I could lie and say my wife cooks for me, but she doesn't. My wife has never learnt cooking but she has
great cooks at home."

"Success and failure are both part of life. Both are not permanent."

"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life."

"I am a good man to love. I am very decent, loving, educated and caring. I would tell my daughter,
that if she was to find a boyfriend, apart from my anger sometimes, she must find a boyfriend like me."
"I feel, I am not macho enough to have a bike. I have never had motorcycles in my life. I may be
anti-bike. But now, I am a genuine bike lovers, who has not been allowed to have a bike. And I will
give next one year to educated myself everything about bikes. Since I missed on my childhood, I want
to introduce motorcycling to my son. I like bike enthusiasts and would like my son to be a part of biking."

"White t-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers. This is my regular look. I’m particular about my shoes. They should
be comfortable, half a size bigger than my feet."

"I have a basic way of dressing. At night it’s a black suit. If it’s a shirt change, it is white or black. On
days when I feel happy, I wear white. On days when I feel sexy and cool, I wear black."

"I have a fetish about the fit of my jeans and the clothes I sleep in. They have to be of a certain
material. I wear shorts or track pants and a t-shirt. But they have to be clean. Also, as soon as I have
worn my jeans after a bath, I wear my shoes and socks. I don’t take them off till I am in bed. I never
wear slippers. My feet should always be covered. Sometimes even when I am lying on the bed, I wear

"I believe denim jackets are an epitome of fashion. But people say they are outdated. I have the
coolest collection of denim and leather jackets. I know I’ll never wear them but I still buy."
"Each year, we run after to achieve something big, may it be big films, awards... I know it is all important
and its been 22 years and I have decided to focus on small things. In the race of catching big things, we
miss small things."

"I see the next SRK in AbRam, but it will take time."

"On the professional front, I have not achieved everything. There is a long way to go. I try to get better
with my each film and I will continue to do that till my last breath."
"My biggest achievement is that I can make a lot of people smile just by my presence, even if its a Lux ad."

"Success is never final... just like failure is never fatal."

"I believe the true road to success is not just the desire for success but a fear of failure."

"There are no secrets to success; you have to love your frailties. God has been very kind about frailties;
he does not let them go away. They will always be there. One should never fear them, but should learn
from them. And you will only learn from them and not fear them when you have the feeling that you have
nothing to lose. I always like to go back to that feeling."



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