"I go out a lot. I eat out with friends, watch a film. I don’t get to shop as much though. I attend a normal
gym. So the chances of meeting a normal girl are bright. I’m sure she’s out somewhere."
"We try too hard to make an impression. The trick is to let go of your guard and be as normal as
possible. Give life a chance to surprise you. Love happens by chance between two normal people.
No one clicks a photo to see whether they look great together or not. Aise thodi na relationships hoti
hai. Pyar ho gaya, ho gaya. You like someone, you like someone. That’s how it should be. You needn’t
look perfect as long as you are perfect for each other."
"I love my entire family. I have two families because my parents separated when I was three. So I have
my mother Nilima and my brother Ishaan who are very close to me, who I love very much. Then there
is dad and Supriya aunty (Pathak) and Sanah and Ruhaan, who are equally important to me and I love
as much. I am fortunate to have two families and am in turn loved by so many people. It’s complicated.
These situations get complicated and there have been times where they’ve been complex. But over time
a nice balance, a nice bond has emerged. I’m fortunate to have that because I don’t think it’s possible
for me to do it alone. I need their support, their blessings."
"Sometimes being ultra choosy works in your favour sometimes it doesn't. After 'Vivah' I sat at home for
six months and then did 'Jab We Met' and this film worked so I was choosy about works. After that my
next two films did not do well so I was like this (being choosy) doesn't work."
"I don't think you can really have a plan. I don't think there is any set plan that an actor can have. The
more time you spend here (in Bollywood), the more you realise you should not take yourself seriously."
"An actor needs to be like clay, he needs to allow other people to mould him as this adds variety."
"The decision for KareenaKapoor and Shahid Kapoor to work together will never be mine. I have no
issues or reservations in taking up a project that features Kareena!"
"When I owned my first car, I wanted to buy a Pioneer music system for it but I couldn't afford it. Now
they want me to endorse it."
"The tsunami waves swept everything away. Amongst the thousands killed could have been us. It gives
me goosebumps to think that the hotel we had booked on the beach doesn't stand anymore."
"I just want to enjoy myself in whatever I am doing. I am more settled with what I am doing. I think it's
natural progression. I've reached that point now when I want to be happy."
"I want to be with people, I want to make them smile. I want to be happy while I'm working and I want
to enjoy myself. It's very important to do that. I think that's something that's changed in me. So now,
whenever I wake up every morning, one of my agendas is to have a good time."
"I am a good boy. Sweet. I love to chill. I have a select set of friends, am big on house music,
love Goa. I don’t read much. Though that is one habit I am trying to inculcate. But the last time I read
a book with great interest (Life Is Fair), I turned vegetarian! So it’s tricky, I wouldn’t want to give up
too much."
"I was a bathroom dancer till my college years. Then I somehow joined Shiamak Davar’s troupe and
it all started. And till recently, I believed that I was a great dancer, till my brother Ishaan called me
“passé” and showed me some new steps. Man! I wanted to run to save my job."
"I was not the sweetest student and definitely not the teachers pet. So I spent most of my time
punished outside class. I used to love sports and also arts. In short, everything that didnt have to
do with academics."
"I was always very, very shy. That was my issue even before I became an actor. I would stand quietly
in a corner of a room, and not talk to too many people. I am myself with very close friends, otherwise
I'm socially shy. After I became an actor I realized that people might take that as, 'oh he's an actor
so he doesn't want to talk to anybody'. It took me some time to realize that once you become an actor,
you need to take responsibility for the fact that people will have apprehensions, people will assume
things, people will come with a mindset before they've even met you."
"I've had a very scattered life since I was very young. So, very early, I realized that there are times in
life when you need to help yourself. You need to stand up for yourself and deal with situations and you
need to back yourself. That's really helped me."
"I always say that when you see a lot of success, you should see it with your head bowed down. And
when you see a lot of failure, you must see it with your head held high."
"I don't want the audience to respect me, I just want their love. Because in love, you forgive. And I know
I am going to make mistakes, so I'd want to be forgiven for them."
"I will not marry a girl of father's choice, because he doesn't have to stay with the girl, I have to stay.
And he knows this thing."
"I’m being practical. I see things in the right context. I need to explore my potential and do what people
believe I can do. I am working towards it. I’m sure I’ll get there soon. Also, if I am being criticised, it
means people are expecting better from me. Or else, they wouldn’t care to say anything."
"The bigger you get, the more criticism you will invite. The higher you climb, the harder you will fall.
That’s how life is. You need to learn to take that fall. And if you can’t take that fall, don’t try to climb
"I agree when others say I am underrated as an actor... When you give super-hit films then only you
are considered as a good actor. At least that is how it is there in our industry. I think you need to be
successful to be appreciated."
"I want lot of luck and want all my films to be really super hits. I don't want to hear that the film is not
good but you did a good job. I am tired of hearing that. I am hoping for little luck so that my films do
really well. Now I am at that stage where I want a little luck... want a super-hit film... the desire is there."
"I don’t know how many relationships I can have now, especially the ones that don’t go anywhere. If
I want a relationship now I want it to go in a meaningful direction. Not that you can put that kind of
a pressure on a relationship. I’m not commitment phobic. Maybe, just a little wiser…"
"You should never take your stardom too seriously. It prevents you from staying normal. The love
of your fans is overwhelming at times. But the worst is when they turn into stalkers. I’ve had my share
of stalkers. People might believe stars shouldn’t worry about stalkers as they lead cocooned lives. But
I don’t have armed commandos blocking my lane. I live in a normal building. You get used to it. It
comes with the job. It hasn’t stopped me from going out. I eat out with friends, go watch a film. I don’t
get to shop as much though. But that’s also because I pick up most of my stuff from abroad. I attend
a normal gym. And today everyone is doing it. This entire generation is chilled out."
"I’d be an enthusiastic father but I don’t know whether my child would appreciate my enthusiasm.
I’ve seen kids make disdainful expressions when parents hug or kiss them in public. They are like,
‘Dad, not here. Not in front of my friends. You are killing my cool.’ I’ve done that so I hope I remember
it when I do become a father."