"Today if I want to, without batting an eyelid, I will leave the industry. Honestly, I don’t care. I am
enjoying my work, I like what I do right now. If I found something better tomorrow, I would leave
acting. I am a Gemini. I will do anything, I am crazy."
"My advice for those overweight would be to control you portions, avoid junk or fried food, get some
exercise whenever you find time and try to walk as much possible. By following this, you will find
yourself cheerful and confident."
"I’d never take back a guy if he has cheated on me. Not even if it is circumstantial because one always
has a choice."
"I enjoy singing, dancing, masala, action, colourful films and the kind of success it garners. Why would
I leave that for anything?"
"I choose my films from the audience’s perspective. I take up a movie only when I feel I’d spend money
to watch it. My judgment so far has been bang on. Something’s right about it. I’ll keep going that way."
"There’s nothing I can’t handle. I’m a private person. I like keeping things to myself. I have a few close
friends who are not from the industry. I can’t handle too much crowd though. I feel flustered when
there are too many people around me. But I will learn to deal with it over the years."
"A bad day at work for me is just waiting around. I hate the wait in between shots."
"I loved going to school and was the teacher’s pet. I didn’t like to study but I hated getting low marks,
so I managed to score. I played several sports. I’d reach school early, play football, get messy and then
attend class. My teachers would wonder why I came to school so dirty. I’d play in the scorching sun
during lunch break too. And after school I’d play some more. Yet I remained plump. I’d play and eat
and play and eat and keep putting on weight."
"I will speak only as much as needed if I don’t know you. I have an unapproachable demeanor when
I’m around people I am not familiar with. The message is conveyed and no one really tries to act
familiar with me."
"I’m anything but a drama queen. I don’t like drama. I want everything to be smooth-sailing and
without any hustles."
"People have hardly referred to me by my name. They have called me moti, fatty, bhens (buffalo)…
But it doesn’t bother me. Five people out of a hundred calling me overweight doesn’t get me less
work. My weight’s perfect for my age, height and body type."
"I don’t cry when I am sad. I cry when I am angry. Incompetence frustrates me."
"It's not that I'm not accepted in a modern image because my endorsements are mostly in western
wear. When I go to my events I wear western clothes. I don't pick my roles based on what clothes
I have to wear. I pick roles because of the character I have to portray and the public have enjoyed
seeing me in those roles."
"I’ve never had to fight for a role. Call it my ego or my self-respect, but I won’t pick up the phone
and call a producer and fight or ask for a role. That’s not me. I’ve always got the best and my work
speaks for itself."
"Of course, two actresses can be friends. Why not? It doesn’t have anything to do with a particular
profession. It’s about how well two people connect and get along. I’ve never spent time on set with
another actress because I’ve been a solo lead in my films. I don’t socialise much either. But when I
do meet any of my colleagues, I’m cordial. I get along well with most people. I’m easygoing like that."
"I may play an Indian girl, but each role is different. If I’m offered a film where I need to play an
urban character, I will. But these roles work for me. I’m not stuck in a rut and neither do I feel the
need to break the norm. When a female star plays western roles only, no one asks her these questions.
At 25, I can proudly say that I’m successful."
"I have slapped guys. I was very rowdy in school. I used to play lot of sports and whoever would argue
with me would get one tight slap."
"He (her father) wants to make a house for me where I can bring my husband. he doesn't want to let
me go to my husband's house, he wants to make to my husband a house."
"Love has its time and place. It will come for me. I'm not pushing it, I'm not avoiding it."
"The longest conversation I've had on the phone is about 4 minutes and even that is too long for me.
I hate being on the phone."
"I've always wanted to get married, since I was about 16. And people used to ask me what do you
want to be when you grow up, I used to said, I would be married with 2 children. Well, that is a far of
dream now."
"No one will ever lose weight for the wrong reason. I can’t starve myself. I am curvaceous. I cannot
be skinny. It is important to think what you want to be. Right now, I’m happy with the way I am. I just
wanted people to shut up. But that is not why I started working out, I did it for myself. I woke up one
morning and thought lets not be lazy about it. When we do it for the right reason, the results show
faster. After three weeks, my family told me I was looking thinner. My clothes went loose. People are
using words like slim, sexy, slender for me. Can you imagine? It feels good."
"I’m only competitive when I play sports where I can bash up the other person. But work wise not so
much. I want to do well for myself. But I feel happy for my colleagues when they have a hit. I don’t
keep a tab on them. I just know what shoot I have and what time I have to go to which set. If other
girls are doing well, then good for them. I know I’m doing good for myself also."
"I’ve never considered myself beautiful. I was overweight. But over the years, it changed. I became
thin. People often told me I had a beautiful face. But not in school. No boy liked me in school. In
college they thought I had a pretty face."
"Sports teaches you discipline, commitment and makes you aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
It also teaches how to take wins and losses in your stride and how to keep on improving yourself. I
strongly believe being involved in sports, right from school, has greatly contributed to what I am today."
"Though I’ve been accepted by the audience for who I am and what I have to offer on screen, I wanted
to look different. I want to retain my curves. But I aim to be fitter and healthier so that I’m not restricted
to playing only certain kind of roles."